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Developing Strategic Options based on TOWS Analysis


Developing Strategic Options based on TOWS Analysis


For each of the businesses the company should do the SWOT analysis of its position to understand its own competitive position.


Corporate top-level managers should consider their company's group or mix of businesses as a portfolio of core competencies.  As they attempt to create value by selecting and implementing corporate-level strategy, managers will be challenged to achieve strategic competitiveness and earn above-average returns while competing in a highly competitive global environment that is characterized by high degrees of risk, complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity.



















(in probable order

of attractiveness)

§         Reformulate single-business concentration strategy (to achieve turnaround).

§         Acquire another company in the same business (to strengthen competitive position).

§         Vertical integration (forward or backward if it strengthens competitive position).

§         Diversification.

§         Be acquired by/sell out to a stronger rival.

§         Abandonment (a last resort in the event all else fails).


(in probable order

of attractiveness)

§         Continue single-business concentration

-International expansion (if market opportunities exist).

§         Vertical integration (if it strengthens the company’s competitive position).

§         Related diversification (to transfer skills and expertise built up in the company’s core business to adjacent businesses).











(in probable order

of attractiveness)

§         Reformulate single-business concentration strategy (to achieve turnaround).

§         Merger with a rival company (to strengthen competitive position).

§         Vertical integration (only if it strengthens competitive position substantially).

§         Diversification.

§         Harvest/divest.

§         Liquidation (a last resort in the event all else fails).


(in probable order

of attractiveness)

§         International expansion (if market opportunities exist).

§         Related diversification.

§         Unrelated diversification.

§         Joint ventures into new areas.

§         Vertical integration (if it strengthens competitive position).

§         Continue single-business concentration (achieve growth by taking market share from weaker rivals).

Figure : Options for an Undiversified Company


As you can see from the figure above, the primary approach to corporate-level strategy is diversification, a strategy that requires top-level managers to develop and implement a multi-business effort encompassing a variety of industry environments.  Diversification strategy is supported by an assumption that managers of diversified companies possess unique management skills that can effectively be used to craft multi-business strategies and improve a company's strategic competitiveness in the process.  This leads to the prevailing theory that companies diversify when they have excess resources, capabilities, and core competencies that have multiple uses.



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